Democratic Party? Republican Party? How about a Pizza Party?!
Join AIGA Jacksonville and advisory board member, Karen Kurycki, for a fun, pizza-filled, creative and collaborative evening dedicated to the AIGA Get Out the Vote initiative. Get Out the Vote is a civic engagement initiative designed to wield the power of design to motivate the American public to register and turn out to vote in the 2016 general election, as well as local elections to come.
During the evening, we'll explore ways designers can make a meaningful contribution to society, we'll do some quick brainstorming exercises and then you'll dive into designing your Get out the Vote poster to be submitted to AIGA’s online gallery.* A selection of these posters will be featured in exhibitions put on in connection to the Democratic and Republican national conventions, as well as at the AIGA Design Conference in Las Vegas this October. More info at
This workshop is free, but limited to 10 people, so be sure to sign up early! Bring pencil, paper, and laptop (if you have one). We will provide additional materials for prototyping. Food and drinks will be provided.
*You must be an AIGA member to be eligible to contribute to the 2016 collection. Designs will be reviewed by AIGA to ensure they communicate a voter-mobilizing call to action through nonpartisan visuals and copy.